
Movie Details 电影资料

Movie Title 电影名称 Decoded《解密》
Director 导演 Sicheng CHEN 陈思诚 
Genre 类别 Epic drama 人物传记 / Psychological thriller 心理惊悚片 
Duration 时长 158 Minutes / 分钟
Main Cast 主要演员 Haoran LIU 刘昊然, John Cusack, Daoming CHEN 陈道明, 

Daniel WU 吴彦祖, Faye YU 俞飞鸿 

Distribution 发行 mm2 Entertainment Malaysia
Language 语言 Mandarin 华语 & English 英语
Subtitle 字幕 English 英文/ Chinese 中文/ Bahasa Malaysia 马来文 
Release Date 上映日期 29 August 2024|2024年8月29日

Synopsis 故事大纲


上世纪40年代,中美局势风起云涌,破译敌方通讯密码至关重要。容金珍(刘昊然 饰)自幼便展现出惊人的数学天赋和“释梦能力”,被时任大学校长的小黎黎(吴彦祖 饰)和太太叶筱凝(俞飞鸿 饰)抚养长大。在大学入学之际,容金珍因解出数学系老师希伊斯(约翰·库萨克 饰)出的难题而获得青睐。甚至获得701局局长郑某(陈道明 饰)的关注,自此之后容金珍开启了这段神秘又艰巨挑战的人生……

Adapted from the novel of the same name in the trilogy by Mao Dun Literature Prize winner Mai Jia (Decoded, Plot Against, The Message), it tells the legendary life of a mathematical genius.

In the 1940s, as the situation between China and the U.S. became increasingly turbulent, deciphering enemy communication codes was paramount. Rong Jinzhen (played by Liu Haoran) displayed astonishing mathematical talent and a unique “dream interpretation ability” from a young age. He was raised by university president Xiao Lili (played by Daniel Wu) and his wife Ye Xiaoning (played by Yu Feihong).

Upon entering university, Rong Jinzhen solved a challenging problem set by Professor Heis (played by John Cusack) in the mathematics department, gaining recognition. He even caught the attention of Director Zheng (played by Chen Daoming) from Bureau 701, and from then on, Rong Jinzhen embarked on a mysterious and daunting journey of challenges in his life…”

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