J.Walter Thompson Entertainment Co-Produces TV Documentary Series To Debut February 20, 2016


The documentary series, titled “Her Story,” features inspiring and empowered women in an effort to highlight the hugely ignored
contributions of women in society

NEW YORK, NY (February 19, 2016) — J. Walter Thompson Entertainment, a subsidiary of the J. Walter Thompson Company, has co-­produced, alongside Films of Record, a four-­part TV documentary series called Her Story: The Female Revolution, to be aired on BBC World News on February 20th 2016.

Showcasing stories of pioneering and empowered women who are forging and shaping real social change around the globe, the series looks at contemporary gender issues through the eyes of some of the most inspirational women on the planet—from political, religious and media powerhouses, to grass roots campaigners and local activists.

Interviewees include Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister;; Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund;; Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania;; Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile;; movie star Geena Davis;; Iranian racing driver Laleh Seddigh;; and 19-­year-­old Balkissa Chaibou, who is fighting against child marriage in Niger.

Even in 2016, women in general earn less, and have fewer rights and less freedom to tell their stories. They and their achievements are regularly airbrushed out of history.

In co-­producing this series that places women as its subject not its object, and highlighting how pioneering women are taking the initiative and changing the world—sometimes in the harshest of circumstances — J. Walter Thompson Entertainment aims to demonstrate its innate understanding of women in modern society, their journeys and their achievements.

Her Story: The Female Revolution will consist of four 60-­minute programmes, the first of which
will be aired on February 20th.

Gustavo Martinez, Worldwide CEO and Chairman, J. Walter Thompson Company, said: “As a 151-­year-­old global company with pioneering in our DNA, we believe that defining women according to their responsibilities is limiting, but celebrating their achievements and aspirations is inspiring.”

Rachel Pashley, Global Board Planning Director at J. Walter Thompson, said: “The intention was quite simply to create a new narrative on women, to explore and celebrate female achievement as an attempt to broaden the lens through which we view women. If female achievement to date has largely been airbrushed from history, this felt like the time to tell ‘her story’ and remind us of the increasingly significant contributions women are making to the world.”

J. Walter Thompson Entertainment, part of J. Walter Thompson Company, works with brands and
broadcasters to create long-­form engaging content that moves beyond traditional advertising.
Find out more about J. Walter Thompson Entertainment on jwtentertainment.com.

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