Genre : Light comedy, parenting vs kids drama 輕鬆剧情,温馨感人
Director : Jess Teong 張爵西
Producer : Stanley Law 羅德明
Story & Script : Jess Teong 張爵西
Production Company : Three Production Sdn Bhd
Language : Mandarin 中文/ English 英文
Running Time : 120 minutes 分鐘
Rating : U
Sarah 隨著媽媽從小在紐約長大。因為工作上的不便, 媽媽逼不得已把 Sarah 送回她的家鄉 – 馬來西亞, 和她的外公生活一段日子。這對於在紐約這個大蘋果生活了12年的 Sarah 來說, 就像是從天堂掉進了地獄裡。因為寂寞與不甘心, 讓她總是用高人一等的態度看待組屋裡的居民。
在想念媽媽的當兒, 鄰居們和同齡小朋友的熱情與友善, 讓她慢慢打開心房。而在與外公的相處之中, 她也慢慢瞭解媽媽和外公對傳統文化的執著。
Sarah,a 12 year girl was born and raised in New York City. As Sarah’s mother has to relocate to China for a few months on a work assignment, she has no choice but to turn to her estranged father back in Malaysia for help in looking after her daughter for these few months. To a contemporary youngster like Sarah, raised in the Big Apple since birth, Malaysia seems like all her worst nightmares come true. To begin with, Sarah feels isolated and lonely in this strange, new place. Living in one of the group apartments with her grandfather, initially Sarah hides her insecurities underneath a cloak of bravado and treats her new neighbours as though they are truly beneath her. Influence from a group of friendly neighbours around her age and a period of time living under the same roof as her grandfather, slowly opens Sarah’s heart to the“strangers”she finds around her. The once ‘Stuck-up’ Sarah comes to learn and understand the reasons why her mother and grandfather care so much about their cultural traditions.
《我来自纽约 THE KID FROM THE BIG APPLE 》Official Trailer: