


第十五届香港亚洲电影投资会(HAF)宣布,即日起就明年三月的投资会向亚洲电影创作人才开放电影计划申请。由香港国际电影节协会(HKIFFS) 主办的HAF是亚洲首屈一指的电影融资平台,与香港国际影视展(FILMART) 同期举行。HAF为电影创作人才提供机会,与世界各地顶级电影投资者、制片人、制作公司、后期制作公司、发行商、买家及电影节代表洽谈新电影计划。第十五届HAF将于2017年3月13至15日在香港会议展览中心举行。



为了保障电影计划的知识产权,HAF与国际知识产权商业化促进会(International IP Commercialization Council)进行合作,每一个上载到“资料库”的电影计划都将会经过国际注册知识系统的加密,并储存到可信任的保险库,加强保护“资料库”的安全。


此外,众多历届电影计划申请人也对HAF赞不绝口。《太平轮》及《赛德克•巴莱》等大制作的监制张家振表示:“HAF一直是亚洲区内最佳的电影融资平台,入选的作品除了质量高,题材也非常多元化。”去年获得HAF大奖的越南电影《The Third Wife》的监制 TRAN Thi Bich Ngoc 则表示:“HAF十分专业及有效率,能在2016年参与HAF,我感到十分有幸。HAF 不但为我们提供认识发行人及投资者的机会,同时也促进各地电影业界的交流,分享大家的电影创作经历以及故事。对我而言,参与HAF的经验是非常宝贵的。”

HAF一直积极推动及支持亚洲电影,已经成功孕育出多部优秀电影作品,当中有不少作品都在世界各地屡获殊荣 ,其中包括:由阿富汗导演 Shahrbanoo SADAT 执导的《Wolf and Sheep》(HAF 2015计划)于2016年戛纳电影节“导演双周”获得 Art Cinema Award;中国导演赵亮探讨环保的纪录片《悲兮魔兽》(HAF 2014计划),入围角逐2015年威尼斯电影节金狮奖;由范俭执导的纪录片《吾土》(HAF 2013计划),入选2016年柏林电影节“面面观”单元及香港国际电影节; 由翁子光执导、改编自真人真事的《踏血寻梅》(HAF 2011计划)除了获选为2015年香港国际电影节闭幕电影,更于2016年囊括香港电影金像奖所有演技类奖项,包括最佳男女主角、最佳男女配角、最佳新演员及最佳编剧等七项殊荣;而导演杨超的电影《长江图》(HAF 2011计划),则于2016年柏林电影节获得杰出艺术贡献银熊奖。

如欲了解第十五届HAF的申请程序、评选准则及所需资料,可浏览HAF官方网站 http://www.haf.org.hk,或电邮香港亚洲电影投资会 haf@hkiff.org.hk 查询。

And Action! The Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum Calls for Film Projects
Forum Connects Best Filmmakers with International Partners and Investors 

The 15th Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) is calling on filmmakers to submit projects for the next forum which will take place in March 2017. Organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) and running concurrently with the Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART), HAF is Asia’s leading film-financing platform that connects filmmakers to internationally prominent film-industry financiers, producers, production companies, post-production houses, distributors, buyers, co-production ventures and film festival delegates. Next year’s event will take place from 13-15 March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

HAF now invites submissions of fiction and documentary feature length projects. The submission deadline is 21 October 2016. Selected projects will be invited to participate in the film financing forum activities in Hong Kong and will also stand to compete for awards with a total value of approximately HK$600,000 (approximately US$78,000). An early bird discount is offered to projects submitted on or before 19 September 2016

All submissions can opt to be listed in the “HAF Project Hub”, an initiative that started in 2015. This official online repository and reference library serves as a bridge between filmmakers and potential investors. Investors can look up and request updated information on filmmakers and project status, and applicants can also revise and update their own projects. The HAF Project Hub aims at increasing exposure for film projects while adding value and longevity to HAF submissions. 

HAF has partnered with the International IP Commercialization Council to enhance protection and security for projects in the Hub. When a project proposal is submitted to the Hub, the International Knowledge Registry (IKR) system will encrypt the proposal which will be stored in a safe place by a trusted authority. 

Sharing the same vision to encourage quality Chinese-language projects, HAF is pleased to continue its collaboration with Fox International Productions and Fox Networks Group (FNG) Asia to present the “HAF/FOX Project Award”. Projects submitted for this award are required to provide a full script in Chinese, and have both director and producer attached. Cora YIM, Senior Vice President and Territory Head of Hong Kong, Fox Networks Group, said: “We are very happy to once again work with HAF. This award aims to nurture promising Chinese projects which has regional appeal. We look forward to working with the winners on their project to promote the development of Chinese cinema.” 

Previous attendees have praised the forum. “HAF is consistently the best financing forum in Asia. The projects were of high quality and diverse in subject matters,” said Terence CHANG, producer of The Crossing and Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale among many others. TRAN Thi Bich Ngoc, producer of The Third Wife (HAF 2016) commented: “HAF is professional and efficient. I’m grateful to be part of HAF in 2016. It’s not only the opportunities to meet sale agents, distributors, financiers, but also the opportunities to connect with other filmmakers and understand what they are doing, how they are doing, stories of how they make their first feature. To me, every minute spent there is precious.” 

In previous years numerous HAF projects have achieved critical success. Wolf and Sheep (HAF 2015), directed by Shahrbanoo SADAT, won Art Cinema Award at Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 2016. Behemoth (HAF 2014), an environmental documentary by ZHAO Liang, entered competition at the Venice Film Festival 2015. My Land (HAF 2013), directed by FAN Jian, was selected in the Panorama section of Berlin Film Festival 2016 and the Hong Kong International Film Festival 2016. Philip YUNG’s Port of Call (HAF 2011), based on a real-life controversial murder case in Hong Kong, was the closing film of the Hong Kong International Film Festival and won numerous awards at the Hong Kong Film Awards 2016, including Best Actor, Actress and Screenplay.Crosscurrent (HAF 2011) directed by YANG Chao won Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution at the Berlin Film Festival 2016. 

For more details on the 15th HAF’s submission procedures, application eligibility and selection criteria, please visit http://www.haf.org.hk, or contact HAF via email: haf@hkiff.org.hk.

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