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Greyson Chance「Life Keeps You Busy」


Greyson Chance
<Somewhere Over My Head>

A talented teenager who is an expert in singing, song writing and a pianist. At the age of 18, he has a million fans around the world and his name is Greyson Chance. Currently he is releasing his 2nd album named <Somewhere Over My Head>. Greyson is excited and also nervous to travel over to Malaysia around Kuala Lumpur and Penang to promote his EP. Besides, he is very happy that he could come back to meet his fans in Malaysia.


The Life Song “More Than Me”

In the EP  <Somewhere Over My Head>, the last song track “More Than Me”  is Greyson’s favourites. In the lyric there is a phrase saying “when I thought you are looking at me, but you are looking somewhere over my head” that means a lot to him. The entire song is about the life of Greyson while he was growing up in America and some heart break stories when he was a kid and teenager. It is a sad song which contains darker lyrics but Greyson likes it very much.

The biggest challenge that Greyson faced while preparing the EP was to make and create something that he could feel proud of and stand next to. He has been in music life about 6 years and he wants to figure out what he wants exactly and what to do next. In addition, he really works hard for it and to make everyone happy and understand the message that he wants to convey through this album. The most memorable memory was that he got to work with his closest friends and the people he admired a lot. He had gain a lot of knowledge during the making of this EP and in the process of production.


The Food Paradise – Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the country that Greyson always wanted to visit. This is the first time he came to Penang and he likes the culture of Malaysia. Greyson mentioned that Malaysia has impressed him in various way and it’s an incredible place as Malaysia has different races but still live in peace. He also love Malaysian local food for example Mamak, Prawn Mee, Nasi Goreng and others that he could not recall the name.


Life Keeps You Busy
Recently, Greyson busy promoting his EP. Other than that, he had just graduated from high school. He took online school’s courses when he started off with music 6 years ago. In the meanwhile, Greyson had move down to Edmond, Oklahoma in the past years. He spent his time experiencing the new city, exploring and going around town and he had good time there.

Greyson plans to continue his studies and take online courses.However, at this moment, he wish to focus more on music and with the hope of to continue producing more music and EP in next couple of months and years. He want to grow in music.


Greyson Chance是一位精于唱歌,写歌写曲和会钢琴的天才少年,今年才18岁的他已经拥有超过一万人的粉丝团。近期他在推行第二张专辑 <Somewhere Over My Head> 。Greyson 很兴奋紧张因可以来到马来西亚的吉隆坡和槟城推广专辑,见他的粉丝。


生命之歌 More Than Me

在 <Somewhere Over My Head> 专辑中的最后一首歌名为“More Than Me” 也是Greyson最喜欢的歌曲之一。里头有一句歌词是“when I thought you are looking at me, but you are looking somewhere over my head”。那整首歌是关于Greyson在美国成长的生活和青年时期的伤心故事,虽然这首歌是较伤心但Greyson还是很喜欢这首歌。

Greyson 在筹备专辑时面对很大的挑战,因为他想要创造出一些可以让他引以为傲的音乐。他踏入歌坛已有6年,他希望可以找出自己真正要的是什么和下一步应该如何继续他的音乐之路。此专辑里的歌曲他都很努力地去做,因为他希望听到他的歌的人会被他感染及明白专辑所要带出的信息。然而让他最难忘的是可以和自己最亲的朋友和仰慕的人一起合作,令他在筹备专辑时从他们身上得到很多知识。







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