电影资料 Movie Information
发行 Distributed by:mm2 Entertainment
导演 Directed by:韩延 HanYan
领先主演Starring by:李易峰 YiFeng Li
特邀主演Special Appearance:Michael Douglas
特别出演Guest Starring:周冬雨 Zhou Dongyu
片长Duration:待定 TBC
级别Rating:待定 TBC
上映日期Release date:29.06.2018
抢先看Sneak Preview:28.06.2018
男主角郑开司(李易峰 饰)因被朋友欺骗而背负上数百万的债务,面对重病的母亲和痴心等待的青梅竹马-刘青(周冬雨 饰),他决心登上“命运号”游轮改变自己一事无成的人生。只要能在渡轮上的游戏中获胜,他就将有机会将债务一笔勾销,并给家人带来更好的生活。这场游戏看似简单,参与者只需以标着“石头,剪刀,布”的扑克为道具,赢取对手身上的星星标志。但游轮上的亡命徒们毫无底线的欺诈争夺,却让人性的自私与残酷暴露无遗。局中局、计中计,让游戏场最终沦为“动物世界”斗兽场。面对绝境的郑开司,能否坚守自我底线保持善良本性?能否凭借自己的智慧和坚韧摆脱困境?这是一场自我救赎的残酷游戏,多重考验也将接踵而至。

Muddling along without any aim, the hero Zheng Kaisi accomplishes nothing and is in debt of several millions because of borrowing money from friends. In order to pay the debt, he boards a ship called “Destiny” to attend a mysterious gambling party at the instigation of someone. Once he wins, his debts can be canceled.

The game rule seems very simple. Participants shall take pokers marked with “rock, paper, and scissors” as props for seizing the star sign of the opponent. However, in the face of a group of desperate gamblers, any little flaw can be utilized in the game. Kaisi successively bumps into the principal of the casino, Anderson who hides a dagger behind his smiles, deadbeat magician Zhang Jingkun, friend Li Jun and the person with a scar on his face, who brings diamonds into the casino in private. Kaisi is almost overwhelmed by several traps and schemes as well as constant inversions. The cruel human nature reflected in the game is like the epitome of society.
The gambling party is finally a scene of slaughter. Kaisi must survive in the game well-planned by Anderson for the sake of his mother in a vegetative state who relies on him for survival and the childhood sweetheart Liuqing…
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