Movie Details 电影资料
Movie Title 电影名称 | I Want To Be Boss《AI拼才会赢》 | |
Director 导演 | Jack Neo 梁志强 | |
Genre 类别 | Comedy 喜剧 | AI 人工智能 | |
Duration 时长 | 121 minutes 31 second|121分钟31秒 | |
Main Cast 主要演员 | Henry Thia 程旭辉 | Patricia Mok 莫小玲 | Jack Neo 梁志强 | Aileen Tan 陈丽贞 | Ke Le 阳光可乐 | Dawn Yeoh 姚懿珊 |
Shawn Thia 程家颉 | Shuifa 张水发 | Inthira | Jae Liew 柳胜美 | Terence Cao 曹国辉 | Maxi Lim 林俊良 | Zoen Tay 郑主恩 |
Distribution 发行 | mm2 Entertainment & Mega Films Distribution | |
Language 语言
Release Date 上映日期 |
Chinese 中文
29 January 2025 | 2025 年 1 月 29 日 |
Synopsis 故事大纲
Dongnan (Henry Thia), long been known for his laziness and unreliability is demoted to a security guard by his boss. Struggling with poor career prospects, he dreams of becoming his own boss. With the help of Food Critic Influencer Queen (Dawn Yeoh) and Qiang (Jack Neo), he opens a restaurant and experiences success with his excellent culinary skills.
Seeking to improve his home life and relationship with his wife Nan sao (Aileen Tan), he purchases an AI robot, Ling Ling (Patricia Mok) to help with household chores. However, things take a wrong turn when his apprentice Steven (Zhang Shui Fa) betrays him and opens his own restaurant offering similar cuisines, while his wife gets jealous and suspicious of him being unfaithful as he is surrounded by young and beautiful co-workers every day. With the support and help from his family and AI robot, can Dongnan overcome the new challenges that await?
东南(程旭辉 饰)在工作上因态度懒散和不可靠而闻名,被老板降职为保安。面对事业的瓶颈期, 他梦想着能自己当老板。在美食评论家兼网红 – 舌尖女王(姚懿珊 饰)和好友强哥(梁志强 饰) 的帮助下,开了一家餐厅,并凭借着出色的厨艺取得成功。
为了改善家庭生活并修复与妻子南嫂(陈丽贞饰)之间的关系,而购买了一台名为玲玲(莫小玲 饰)的人工智能机器人来帮忙处理家务。此时,麻烦接踵而至,东南的徒弟 Steven(张水发饰) 背叛了他,开了一家提供相似菜肴的餐厅。同时,东南的妻子因为他每天都和年轻漂亮的同事一 起工作而变得嫉妒和怀疑他的忠诚。在家人和人工智能机器人的支持下,东南能否克服眼前的种 种挑战呢?