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Prem 在一天之内与24个女生约会

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Prem接受Aishah和Rod给予的挑战那就是在一天(24小时)之内要与24位女生约会。在约会开始之前,一名医生Dr. Rajbans Singh 为Prem 做了血压和心跳频率的测验,而测验结果是他的血压和心跳不断地上升。这足以证明当约会时间越来越靠近Prem就越来越紧张。他自己也表示他的心情是既紧张,害怕也有些担心因为他不知道这24 小时里会发生什么事情。但Prem从来不会拒绝“挑战”反而会尽力做到最好。

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在这24位女生,她们都给了Prem一个很好的印象。对他来说,每一位女士都表现得很棒也很勇敢因为他们有勇气参与这次的挑战。每一位女士都与Prem分享她们的故事和生活经验让Prem从她们身上学了不少东西。然而,有一位名Roshini (Rose) 的女士让Prem 留下最深刻的印象。Rose曾参与了在佛罗里达 (Florida) 所举办的太空训练营,她在营中遇到了曾经上过太空的太空人员。Prem 觉得很不可思议因为Rose 认识到一些经历着不同生活方式的人。

在这次的挑战中,Prem也留下了许多美好回忆。其中一项是他很享受和其他团员一起相处的时间,即使大家都已经很累了但他们还是一起开玩笑,分享以及聊天,虽然当时他们也不清楚自己讲了些什么。甚至在接近尾声时Prem 开始有幻觉,他看到蓝精灵在走动,但他觉得很神奇因为这是他第一次24小时不断地工作完全没有休息。另外,拍摄当天是卫塞节,街道上举办着卫塞节游行所以他们在吉隆坡一带的塞车导致他们耽误了整整一个小时,之后他们的团队还要赶去10点钟的约会以避免影响下一个环节。


当Prem 完成了挑战,他也想了一些“任务”给 Aishah 和 Rod挑战。他要他们体验和感受这样另类的挑战。为了避免Aishah和Rod提前知道他们未知的挑战,所以现在还不能透露给观众。唯一能获得最新消息的方法就是守着他们的电台MixFM。

话虽如此,Prem 很感恩可以与他们俩个搭档主持电台节目。他也要感谢他们每天为他做的每一样事情。在他心里Aishah 和 Rod 就如同是他的家人,他也很开心也很欣慰他们出现在他的生命里。


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Life is a challenge

Prem accepted a challenge from the MixFM team members Aishah and Rod. He had to date 24 girls in 24 hours. Before the dates started, Dr.Rajbans Singh checked Prem’s blood pressure and heart rate and both elevated. It showed that Prem was getting nervous when the dates came closer. He mentioned that he was nervous, scared and also worried because he does not know what to expect and what would happened during the 24 hours. However, Prem never says no to a challenge and he is doing his best to take on the challenge.

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It’s a great way to meet new friends

Among the 24 girls, all of them gave very big impressions to Prem. To him, all the girls are amazing and brave to take part in this progress. They shared their stories and life experiences which Prem learnt a lot from them. Nevertheless, there is a girl named Roshini (Rose) who left the deepest impression on him. Rose had a chance to go to a Space Camp in Florida and she met real astronauts that had been to space. Prem felt that was cool as Rose had the chance to meet who has different experiences than others.

There were a few unforgettable memories during the challenge. One of the best memory was he really enjoyed the bonding time with the MIX team members. They laughed, shared and talked even though everyone was very tired, up to a point that they did not even know what they were saying and Prem even started to see Smurfs moving and walking around when it was nearing the end time. This was the first time he stayed up for 24 hours and he felt that it was miraculous. Furthermore, due to the filming day being on Wesak Day, they were caught a jam in Kuala Lumpur for an hour due to the Wesak Day Parade and the team had to run for the 10:00pm date to make it on time in order not to affect following date, thus making the journey even memorable.

Revenge VS Love

After the challenge Prem came up with a few ideas and challenges for Aishah and Rod. He wanted them to have the same experience as him. However, it is still not the time to reveal the challenges yet as he do not want to let Aishah and Rod know about his plan and the only way to find out is by turning on MixFM and listen to their show.

However, Prem is very grateful and blessed to have both of them as his partners on air. He thanks them for everything they have done for him every day. Aishah and Rod are like his extended family and he is happy to have both of them in his life.

Last but not least, Prem has made a conclusion through this challenge. He concluded that men will never be able to understand women and that is what makes them special and attractive to men. He also quoted “Men cannot live with women, cannot live without them as well”.



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