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《Lost In The Pacific 蒸发太平洋》即将在2月18日上映

Movie Title:Lost In The Pacific 蒸发太平洋
Genre:Sci-fi ; Adventure ; Action 科幻;冒险;动作
Director:Vincent Zhou 周文武贝
Script by:Vincent Zhou & Peter Cameron 周文武贝 & 彼得卡梅伦
Director of Photography:Scott Winig
Casts:Brandon Routh, Zhang Yu Qi 张雨绮, Rusell Wong 王盛德,Sunny Wang 王阳明, Bernice Jan Liu 廖碧儿
Duration: 90 mins


The inaugural flight of a luxurious new commercial aircraft, filled with elite passengers, is forced to make an emergency landing on a seemingly deserted island after encountering a tremendous storm while crossing the Pacific Ocean.
On the island the passengers and crew encounter unspeakable terror and only some narrowly escape. The mysterious emergence of two gunmen, who know more than what they reveal, joins the fate of the flight with a lone aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean. Who will survive and who will be forever lost in the Pacific?



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飞机很快在岛上完成了检修,但一支擅自离开飞机的摄制小组却遭遇了意外—传说中导致小岛变成无人区的怪物。千钧一发之际,两个装备先进的神秘战士突然出现,在无数怪物的追杀中救下幸存者一起登上了紧急起飞的飞机。惊魂未定的乘客们本以为终于逃过一劫,谁知两位神秘人的偶然登场揭开了飞机上的一系列秘密,这趟举世瞩目的首航命运又被迫与漂泊在大洋深处的一艘尼米兹级航母联系了起来…究竟世界上最大的飞机能否迫降航母? 究竟谁在航母上等待着他们? 那些变异怪物的背后又隐藏着怎样的阴谋? 此刻,乘客们的生死只能依靠一位美女机长和一位更加神秘的川菜厨师…

Lost In The Pacific (Official Trailer):



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